Looking After Yourself
Cervical Screening
Cervical screening (a smear test) checks the health of your cervix. The cervix is the opening to your womb from your vagina. It is important that you attend your smear tests. You can learn more here.
Fitness Videos
Stay active and healthy at home. Choose a workout from the NHS Fitness Studio’s range of online exercise videos.
Coronavirus (Covid-19) when you’re affected by terminal illness
If your family member or friend is living with a terminal illness, or if you have a terminal illness yourself, you may be worried about coronavirus. Learn more here.
GP Service Finder
Search for health and care services close to you with the new Greater Manchester Service Finder. Locate pharmacies, GPs, opticians, sexual health clinics, urgent care treatment centres and emergency departments in your area.
Coronavirus: eight ways to be kind to your neighbours – and yourself
Looking for the best way to help people in your local community right now? The Red Cross believes that little acts of kindness are important, now more than ever, and really do go a long way in times of crisis. Learn more here.
Expert Patients Programme
Expert Patients Programme is a free NHS Service to support people to manage their long term health conditions. If you would like to learn helpful tips to control your symptoms and feel more in control and positive, please contact us. The programme consists of 6 weekly sessions for two-and-a-half hours at local venues across Manchester. It is also helpful for carers of people who live with long term conditions
Telephone: 0161 371 2105
Email: mft.epp@nhs.net