Wellbeing and Self Care
Health A to Z
Search for health conditions and learn more from the NHS
Medicines A to Z
Search and learn more about medications from the NHS.
Find your NHS Number
Use this service to get your NHS number.
Winter vaccinations 2024/2025
There are some things you can do to help yourself stay well this winter. This includes getting your winter vaccinations.
Information about vaccinations, vaccine eligibility, and how to book
Get to know where to go
This booklet shows the range of NHS services available to you and your family. Keep it handy, so when you’re not feeling well, or need treatment straight away, you know where to go.
Minor Illnesses and Injuries
Self care advice for common ailments and injuries.
Depression, Anxiety and Stress
There are a number of services available for mental health for adults and children.
First Contact Physio
We have an in house physiotherapist. Patients can book directly in to see them. Click below to find out more about when to see the First Contact Physio.
Stop Smoking
If you are thinking about quitting there is a lot of help out there for you.
Sexual Health
All local services for sexual health are detailed here.
Drugs and Alcohol
If you need help with an addiction there are services available locally.
Weight Management
Guidance and support with your weight loss goals.
Child Health
Useful resources for the health of your children.
Maternity Care
Local links and information for maternity services.
Resources for those in care and those who care for them.
Elderly Care
Specific resources for the health needs of the elderly.
Looking after yourself
Keeping fit with support from the NHS.
Domestic Abuse
If you are a victim of domestic abuse or know someone who is there are vital resources available.
Community Groups
Community organisations exist to provide help with issues ranging from homelessness to driving over the age of 70.
Patient transport services and blue badge applications.
Waiting for a referral
The Greater Manchester (GM) While You Wait website contains great resources on looking after your physical and mental wellbeing while you wait for care and treatment. It can also guide you to where you might find extra support online.
Cost of Living
If you are struggling with the increases in food and energy bills and are struggling financially, help is available.
Use the link below or call free on 0800 023 2692. Lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm.
Translations and Sign Video services are available upon request.
Military Veterans
Making us aware that you are a Military Veteran (Ex-Forces) can lead to earlier identification of possible physical and mental health service-related issues and improved access to appropriate treatment/support.
Gambling Addiction
For more information on services available if you are stuggling with a gambling problem, click below.
Homeless Services in Greater Manchester
Click below for detailed information regarding all homelessness support services in the local area.
Mens health
Withington Library is hosting Mens health events till the end of this year 2024. Please find out more below
Grief affects people emotionally and physically, and also can affect your mental health. Grief is also unpredictable.
If you are dealing with grief, you are not alone. Bereavement services offer support to anyone who has been bereaved or affected by a death.