Our Practice
Meet the team
Learn more about the Ladybarn Team here.
LGBT Pride in Practice Gold Award
We have been awarded Gold by the LGBT foundation for excellent in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans healthcare.
Zero tolerance statement
At Ladybarn Group Practice, the health and safety of or staff and patients across is of the highest importance. You can read our policy on abusive behaviour here.
Fees for non-NHS services
We provide NHS primary care services free at the point of use under the GMS contract. This forms the majority of our work. For non-NHS work, we have provided details of our fee structure here.
Policy on remote sedation
You can read our policy detailing why we are unable to provide sedation for medical procedures, scans and dental work outside of Ladybarn Group Practice here.
Policy on sedation for fear of flying
You can read our policy detailing why we are unable to provide sedation for fear of flying here.